Monocacy Valley Montessori Public Charter School


Grades: Pre-Kindergarten - 6th Grade
Address: 217 Dill Avenue
Frederick, MD 21701
Phone: 240-236-6100


About Us

Maryland’s First Charter School

Monocacy Valley Montessori Public Charter School is the first charter school within the Frederick County Public School (FCPS) system. Attendance is open to all FCPS students. The school's academic program is based on the philosophy and methods of Dr. Maria Montessori.


MVMPCS is a small, intimate, and democratic learning community where children learn actively, think critically, and solve problems creatively. Students’ innate desire to learn is fostered using the Montessori approach: a prepared environment, hands-on materials, mixed-age classes, and self-directed learning. Students are empowered to become responsible, confident, caring citizens who possess strong academic skills and an enduring love of learning.


Our Vision includes the hopes and dreams of our Founding Members:

  • We will build a sense of community based on a shared vision

  • We will give intellectual priority to the centrality of language, understood broadly as the use and study of symbols: words, numbers, and the arts

  • We will develop a curriculum with coherence, based on the successful implementation of the Montessori Scope and Sequence by certified teachers and supplemented with cross-reference to the Frederick County Public School curriculum

  • We will create a climate for creative, active, learning

  • We will educate the whole child, body, mind, and spirit

Strategic Plan

Parents/guardians, teachers, and administration design a five-year strategic plan to become our pathway into the future. Our goals (which include budget, building, etc.) are addressed in this document. The Governing Council reviews these goals monthly and votes to accept them every five years.

How To Apply